What People Are Saying
“Love this, adolescents are often forgotten in the mix.”
— Suzanne Gwynn, R.N., Founder,
Ladybug House
“This is the best pillow ever!!!!!”
- 17 y.o. teen recipient of a comfort kit.
“This just brought me to tears. I don’t have a teen but a 4 yo., I have often thought of teens and how difficult it must be for them. I witnessed them become reclusive while living at RMH”
— Crystal B., Parent
We had a newly diagnosed 16 yo male who had multiple appointments/procedures to diagnose his rare form of cancer. After a care conference in which he was informed he would be admitted, the team gave him [a comfort kit from TFNP]. His MD, nurse navigator and social worker were all excited to give him something after all he had been through already. The patient and his dad lit up as their social worker discussed the meaning behind the backpack and talked about everything inside, including the letter from Harry. This patient was discharged home with a planned admission for later on in the week. His social worker let him know that he was the first patient that she was able to give the backpack to. He smiled. When he was admitted his social worker checked in with him after his sedated procedure; he smiled as he shared that he brought his backpack and pointed to it in his hospital room. It made him feel good that he was able to bring something with such a special meaning to his first hospitalization.”
— Social Worker
Tacoma Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital